

No one knows when the unfortunate day will come, saying your final good bye to your family and friends. Having the right life insurance will secure comfortable financial future for your family after your untimely death. Although you may have an insurance via your employer, it might be short term depending upon the duration of your employment. We can help you invest in the right life insurance for you and your family.

Different types of life insurance we offer:
● Term life insurance
● Whole life insurance
● Universal life insurance

Contact us today to see which type would be the best fit for you!

Sunrise Disabilty Insurance

Disability Insurance

Your salary is your main source of income, but many are caught off guard when unexpected health issue arises. Depending on the severity of the issue, it can put a serious financial strain on your and your loved ones. From medical expenses to bills, a decline in your income can have a serious financial impact on your and your family in the near future and long term. We can help you be financially prepared for such circumstances by investing in the right disability insurance. Some factors to consider when choosing a plan.

Elimination Period:
The amount of time that needs to pass from the beginning of your total disability, before the plan starts to pay a benefit. This period is different in every plan.

Benefits Period:
The time-period you’re qualified to collect benefits during a disability claim. Your elimination period starts when your sickness/injury prevents you from carrying out the main responsibilities of your job. When this requirement is met, your disability benefit commence. Your benefits stop when you return to work, whether to full duties or modified work that gets you the same earnings.

We can help you answer the following questions to get you on the right plan for you

Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness can suddenly halt your income and put financial strain on you and your loved ones. During this unfortunate time, it is necessary to heal without the added stress of financial commitments. With a critical illness insurance, you will have the financial security to meet your obligations and treatments.

Critical illness insurance can give you with a single installment payment on the off chance you fall ill. Basic ailment protection can cover the costs necessary to survive this difficult time and you will feel at peace knowing that in case illness befalls you, you and your family will be covered and able to meet all expenses.


Dental Insurance

Visiting a dentist is ideal to ensure that you are healthy. Overlooking regular dental care in your can potentially lead to harmful effects and in costly dental care later. However, these visits are not cheap and often times, a visit to the dentist can set you back financially especially if you don’t have any type of dental coverage. Whether you are self-employed, part-time employed, un-employed or just don’t have dental coverage, we can help you find the best dental insurance according to your financial ability.

Our Drug and Dental Insurance plan can help you decrease out of pocket payments for basic costs like prescription medication, dental visits vision and other medical expenses. Let us help you find the ideal coverage that is suited for your current and future needs.