About Us

Need help planning? You’ve come to the right place

Protecting your family

Protecting your family is a thought that holds much priority, but are you
prepared to do so? It’s easy to respond to situations when they arise in the present, but it is not easy to look ahead and plan. What if you suffer a terrible injury? Get in a car accident? A family member falls seriously ill?

We can help you anticipate situations by preparing and aiding you with risk management so that you are ready at a moment’s notice.

Services we offer include (but are not limited to):
● term life insurance
● travel insurance
● disability insurance
● term life insurance
● health & dental, and more.



Planning your investments with us is not just filling out a form, handing us your money, and not hearing from us for a while. We work with you to understand and go through critical parts of the process. We make sure the investment plan makes sense to you and aligns with your expectations and risk tolerance.

We can assist you with creating a custom quality portfolio, issuing Guaranteed Investment Certificates, setting up your TFSA (tax free savings account), planning your RRSP (registered retirement savings plan), RDSP (Registered disability savings plan), RRIF (registered retirement income fund), RESP (registered education savings plan), LIF (life income fund) and LIRA (locked in retirement account). We also offer services in leveraged investing to help you finance your next investment.


Looking forward to going on vacation whenever you want after years of working?
What about the day you take the plunge and decide to be your own boss?

These things require you have enough assets to enjoy your preferred lifestyle and retirement is blest thought out in 3 phases: accumulation (the earlier you start saving, the more your money will have the chance to compound), pre-retirement (you make the most of your money just before you
retire, so it does not have enough time to compound) and retirement (income and wealth preservation are key). We help ensure your money outlasts you by planning the best investments for you from RRSPs, TFSAs, CPP, annuities, and more.

To ease your worries about retirement, we offer services in:

● Estate planning,
● Wills,
● LIF (life Income fund),
● TFSA (tax free savings account),
● RRSP (registered retirement savings plan),
● RDSP (Registered disability savings plan),
● RRIF (registered retirement income fund)
● LIRA (locked in retirement account)
● Annuities

Income Tax Planning

Navigating and completing an income tax application can be confusing and stressful. Income tax planning is more than sending the government a payment, it can take months of meticulous planning. Our services can help you dramatically lower the taxes you owe. We can help you understand your investment options, their taxation rates and how it will all fit in your financial strategy

Your Child’s Education

Post secondary education fees keep rising, and if you have multiple children, you will be paying a lot of money if you plan to help them out. One option is the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). Contributions in these accounts receive a 20% match from the Canadian Education Savings Grant, up to $2500. If you have a low income, you can receive a 30-40% match on the first 500$. Another option is setting up a trust account.
● Grandparent gifts

Your Legacy

After saving for retirement, there are other planning steps you’re able to take to ensure your legacy.

Estate planning isn’t just for the wealthy. Money will be left after you pass, shouldn’t it go to those you love or a charity? Estate planning will help you make sure your money goes where you want it to.

Planning will make sure your estate doesn’t get taxed away if solutions should be arranged in advance.

With our help, we can create a plan for you that will prevent the province from stepping in to take control of your assets:

  • ● Will
  • ● Power of Attorney
  • ● Estate Planning
  • ● Letter of Direction
  • ● Life Insurance
  • ● Tax Planning

Running a Business

Running your own business comes with its perks, but your financial plan and strategy require a do over.

Federal government programs like Canada’s Small Business Financing Program offer financing for small businesses. Properly planning taxes can boost your cash reserves by letting you keep more of your profits and keeps you from overpaying.

6 Tips to help you achieve success in your small business

1. Hire top talent

Its not enough to hire the best employees and offer them full time hours and competitive wages. Employers who offer full company benefits can gain a competitive edge.

2.Small business financing

Grants and federal government programs.

3.Look for ways to be tax efficient

Working with a qualified accountant will assist you in creating a tax-efficient structure.

4. Insure your most valuable asset

Protect yourself with Key Person Insurance, so that any loss(death) or injury would not seriously affect the business’ survival.

5. Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket

Don’t rely on the sale of your business as your primary retirement planning solution. We can help you create a strategic retirement plan in combination with your business succession plan so you can enjoy a secure retirement.

6.Practice proper risk management

Implementing a strategy to mitigate risks like falling critically ill or suffering from disability can be done through a combination of life and disability insurance plans.


An RESP is a savings plan under Canada’s Income Tax Act, which is set to allow the saving and providing financial assistance to a child when he/she enrolls for post-secondary education. Wage on investment funds in an RESP is duty shielded until the child is prepared for post-secondary education.

College/University degrees are quite costly but are a great investment in a child’s future. It opens a doorway for them to lead the future they always dreamed of.